Ticket To Ride (Lennon/McCartney) Intro (play twice... let all notes ring): -|-----0-----------0-----0-----------0-------- -|--------2-----0-----------2-----0----------- -|--2--------2--------2--------2-------------- -|-------------------------------------------- -|-------------------------------------------- -|-------------------------------------------- Verse: A I think I'm gonna be sad I think it's today, yeah Bm E The girl that's driving me mad is going away F#m D F#m Gmaj7 She's got a ticket to ride she's got a ticket to ride F#m E A She's got a ticket to ride and she don't care. Then second verse... Then ... Middle: D I don't know why she's riding so high E She ought to think twice she ought to do right by me D Before she gets to saying goodbye E She ought to think twice she ought to do right by me Little solo: -|----------------------10------b(14)12--10--12---- -|--b(12)10--8-----/12------12--------------------- -|--------------9---------------------------------- -|------------------------------------------------- -|------------------------------------------------- -|------------------------------------------------- Then another verse, then another middle, then another verse, then Ending: A My baby don't care... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tab Special Notations: ----0---- play the open string ('fret zero') ----5---- play fret five ----5~--- play fret five with vibrato ---5/7--- play fret five, slide up to fret seven ---7\5--- play fret seven, slide down to fret five --8b(9)-- play fret eight, bend the string (at fret eight) to reach the pitch of fret nine --b(9)8-- play fret eight already bent to the pitch of fret nine, unbending until it reaches the normal pitch of fret eight ----h7--- hammer-on to fret seven ----p5--- pull-off to fret five ---/7---- slide up to fret 7 (the starting fret of the slide is undefined, judge by ear) ---15\--- play fret 15, slide down (the ending fret of the slide is undefined, judge by ear) ---0h3--- play the open string and immediately hammer-on to fret three ---7p5--- play fret seven and immediately pull-off to fret five