MAID OF THE SWEET BROWN KNOWE E A H7 E Come all you lads and lassies, and listen to me a while E A H7 I'll sing to you a verse or two that will surely make you smile E A H7 Concerning a young man, I am going to tell ya now E A H7 E Who has lately come a-courting the Maid of the sweet, brown Knowe This young man says: "My pretty maid, will you come along with me We'll both fly off together, and happy we will be We'll join our hands in wedlockbands as I'm speaking with you now And I'll do my best endeavour for the Maid of the sweet, brown Knowe" Mellomspill This fair and fickel young thing, she knew not what to say Her eyes that shine like diamonds, bright and merrily did play She says: "Young man, your love subdue, for I'm not ready now And I'll spend another season at the foot of the sweet, brown Knowe" The young man said: "My pretty maid, how can you answer so See, down in yonder valley, where my crops still gently grow Down in yonder valley I have horses, men and plow And they're at their daily labour for the Maid of the sweet, brown Knowe" Mellomspill "If they're at their daily labour, consort is not for me I've heard of your behaviour, I have indeed", says she "There is an Inn where you call in, and I've heard the people say That you rap and you call and you pay for all, and come home with the break of day" "If I rap and I call and I pay for all, me money is all me own I never spend your fortune, for I hear that you've got none You thought you had me poor heart won, by meeting with you now But I laid ya where I found ya at the foot of the sweet, brown Knowe"