#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------## # #----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 22:29:12 +0100 From: KAKR@novo.dk (KAKR) Subject: CRD: Over my Shoulder by Mike and the Mechanics This is the original key (F) I posted it a few months ago, but only a draft version, Klaus Tauber put it together with the complete lyric, thanks Klaus. But Klaus missed some chords in the ending. OVER MY SHOULDER ================ by Mike & The Mechanics Intro:Fm7 - Bb - D# Fm7 Bb D# 1. Looking back over my shoulder Fm7 Bb D# I can see that look in your eyes Fm7 Bb D# I never dreamed it could be over Fm7 Bb D# I never wanted to say good bye Fm7 Bb D# 2. Looking back over my shoulder Fm7 Bb D# With an aching deep in my heart Fm7 Bb D# I wish we were starting over Fm7 Bb D# Oh instead we're drifting so far apart C# G# F# G# B: Everybody told me you were leaving C# G# F# G# Funny I should be the last to know C# G# F# G# Baby, please, tell me that I'm dreaming F# H I just never want to let you go Fm7 Bb D# 3. Looking back over my shoulder Fm7 Bb D# I can see that look in your eyes Fm7 Bb D# Turning my heart over and over Fm7 Bb D# I never wanted to say good bye C# G# F# G# B: I don't mind everybody laughing C# G# F# G# But it's enough to make an old man cry C# G# F# G# 'cause I can feel you're slipping through my fingers F# H I don't even know the reason why 4. Whistle the melody C# G# F# G# B. Everyday it's a losing battle C# G# G# G# Just to smile and hold my head up high C# G# F# G# Could it be we belong together F# H Baby, won't you give me one more try? (tricky part) -> C# D# F F# G# (listen to the record to get it right) One more try Fm7 Bb D# 5. Looking back over my shoulder Fm7 Bb D# I can see that look in your eyes Fm7 Bb D# I never dreamed it could be over Fm7 Bb D# I never wanted to say good bye =============================================================================== Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 10:44:51 +0100 From: klaus.tauber@balu.kfunigraz.ac.at (Tauber Klaus) Subject: CRD: Over my Shoulder by Mike and the Mechanics This song was originally posted by Karsten Ulrich Krambs (kakr@novo.dk) Thanks for the inspiration! OVER MY SHOULDER ================ by Mike & The Mechanics Intro:Am7 - D/D4 Am7 D G 1. Looking back over my shoulder Am7 D G I can see that look in your eyes Am7 D G I never dreamed it could be over Am7 D G I never wanted to say good bye Am7 D G 2. Looking back over my shoulder Am7 D G With an aching deep in my heart Am7 D G I wish we were starting over Am7 D G Oh instead we're drifting so far apart F C Bb C B: Everybody told me you were leaving F C Bb C Funny I should be the last to know F C Bb C Baby, please, tell me that I'm dreaming Bb D# I just never want to let you go Am7 D G 3. Looking back over my shoulder Am7 D G I can see that look in your eyes Am7 D G Turning my heart over and over Am7 D G I never wanted to say good bye F C Bb C B: I don't mind everybody laughing F C Bb C But it's enough to make an old man cry F C Bb C 'cause I can feel you're slipping through my fingers Bb D# I don't even know the reason why 4. Whistle the melody F C Bb C B. Everyday it's a losing battle F C Bb C Just to smile and hold my head up high F C Bb C Could it be we belong together Bb D# Baby, won't you give me one more try? A(?) One more try Am7 D G 5. Looking back over my shoulder Am7 D G I can see that look in your eyes Am7 D G I never dreamed it could be over Am7 D G I never wanted to say good bye Feel free to make any corrections! Have fun! Klaus Tauber (klaus.tauber@kfunigraz.ac.at) From: aiq032@teix.uib.es Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 16:28:17 +0200 Over My Shoulder - Mike & The Mechanics Written by Mike Rutherford & Paul Carrack. From: Beggar on a beach of gold Transcribed by Gaston Freire Amoedo CAPO ON FIRST FRET! -------------------- Intro: Em7 A D Em7 A D Em7 A D Em7 Looking back over my shoulder A D Em7 I can see that look in your eye A D Em7 I never dreamed it could be over A D Em7 I never wanted to say goodbye A D Em7 Looking back over my shoulder A D Em7 With an aching deep in my heart A D Em7 I wish that we were starting over A D C Oh instead of drifting so far apart G F G C Everybody told me you were leaving G F G C Funny I should be the last to know G F G Baby please tell me that I'm dreaming Am Bb I just never want to let you go Em7 A D Em7 Looking back over my shoulder A D Em7 I can see that look in your eye A D Em7 Turning my heart over and over A D C I never wanted to say goodbye G F G C I don't mind everybody laughing G F G C But it's enough to make a grown man cry G F G Cos I can feel you slipping through my fingers Am Bb I don't even know the reason why Whistle: Em7 A D Em7 A D Em7 A D Em7 A D C G F G C Every day it's a losing battle G F G C Just to smile and hold my head up high G F G Could it be that we belong together Am Bb C G Am F Baby won't you give me one more try G One more try Em7 A D Em7 Looking back over my shoulder A D Em7 I can see that look in your eye A D Em7 I never dreamed it could be over A D I never wanted to say goodbye Em7 A D Em7 Looking back over my shoulder A D Em7 Oh with an aching feeling inside A D Cutting me up, deeper an deeper Em7 A D Fills me with a sadness that I can't hide CHORDS Em7 0 2 2 0 3 0 A x 0 2 2 2 0 D x 0 0 2 3 2 C x 3 2 0 1 0 G 3 2 0 0 3 3 F 1 3 3 2 1 1 Am x 0 2 2 1 0 Bb x 1 3 3 3 1