Rolling Stones- The Worst NO TES: sounds best on a 12 string acoustic; figure out the pedal steel stuff for yourself! Play the F# on the low E with your thumb. G5 is played (from low to high) 3X0033 I would appreciate it if someone would put the CRDs above the words for me; every time I try, the editor screws up the placement. (it probably won't print the CRD names above the tab in the right place, either) send comments to me, Steve Campbell ( INTRO (this part may be a little off; no guitar here) D A/D D/F# A Asus2 A e-----2-----0---0--------------2----0--0-0---0----- B-------3----2---2-----------3---3--2--0-0h2-2----- G---2---------2---2--------2--------2--2-2---2----- D-0(let ring)======--0---0----------2--2-2---2----- A-----------------------------------0--0-0---0----- E----------------------2--------------------------- D A/D E e-----2-----0---0--------0------ B-------3----2---2-------0------ G---2---------2---2------1------ D-0(let ring)======------2------ A------------------------2------ E------------------------0------ VERSE: D G5 D Asus2 G/F# G A E D G5 D Asus2 G/F# G A Chorus: A E A Asus2 A A E A G5 SOLO: CRDs same as verse Chorus (Extended): A E A Asus2 A A E Asus2 A E A E A E A G5 Solo: same CRDs as verse OUTRO: same CRDs as verse LYRICS: I said from the first I am the worst kind of guy For you to be around Tear me apart Including this old heart That is true And will never ever let you down You shouldn't stick with me You trust me too much, you see Take all the pain It's yours anyway Yeah, kid... Oh, put the blame on me You ought to pass, you see somewhere outside I threw love aside And now its a tragedy I said from the first I am the worst kind of guy For you to be around